Monday, June 4, 2007

Quo Vadis America?

Universal health care? Tax cuts for the rich? Increasingly unsustainable Medicare and social security. The whole world is watching as Americans try to define who they are as people and what their core values and interests are. The next few years will help paint a clearer picture about what Americans want America to be. America of today remains a country that is slightly on the right of center.


Ramsu said...

Here's a problem with America being what Americans want it to be: Not all Americans are equal. Like in any society, some people have access to more resources, more power and influence than others. And since people generally put themselves first, the ones with more influence are more likely to shape their country into the one they want it to be.

Makes sense?

Srini said...

I agree. America is a country of 300 million people. Forty million of them are uninsured (no health insurance) and probably equal number are underinsured (not enough insurance to meet their health care needs). Until the people recognize that this is an important issue and vote as a bloc their plight will never be different.